
Bury me.
Lock me away.

Leave the key turn to dust
The sun won't shine today.

Let my body die here
In these cold dark rooms

Let my skin reside here
long after light has moved.

My spirit will break free
out of this cold prison cell
out of the world so dark and grim
out of this place that I call hell.

My soul bask in eternal sunshine
singing love
singing laughter
singing life.

My thoughts finally released
from the confines of my head.

Set loose to form music
and dance along your bed.
Humming tunes to let you rest
and dream nothing you dread.

For there is nothing to hold me back now
No bars or concrete walls.

No keys,
or locks,
no chains, no box,
or long and winding halls.

I am free
with music as my guide.
with hope,
with dreams,

And one precious angel,
love never losing stride.