Those Bloody Teenagers

There comes a time when you don’t give a shit

Teenagers tend to just deal with it

They can get snappy and have mood swings

Over the smallest and silliest things

Some start to wear trackies and sport scarf

Others devote themselves to music as they other half

Sitting in a room painting your fingernails black

Or just being a loner and smoking crack

Many people think they are just a pain

But some can achieve more than what they gain

They can be smart and know what they’re doing

Others just don’t have clue where they are going

Girls look in the mirror trying to find themselves

Boys avoid it saying they don’t understand that well

So when the old man says those bloody teenagers always get in the way

I say “Well I’m a bloody teenager so what are you trying to say”

I have seen the ups and downs of life

A lot of them things are at the edge of a knife

I know that I’m only sixteen

But growing up you start learning life isn’t what it seems.