Fool's Paradise

Fantastical dreams disappear
As numbered tallies and birthday candles,
Tower themselves to the cherubs in our atmospheric pasts?
When will we all lose track of their chanting chalices,
That pour a parade of eras every decade we grow?

I'll drift on a raft away from these iron cities,
Into the darkest arms of the goddess Nyx
To run away from aging blunders,
Chased through the world by the calling of nymphs
But the reversal of time is infinite in wisdom,
So i'll tightly tuck my eyes beneath an illogical canvas.

I will land myself in pirate terrains,
Nestled as the queen of the kings
To be thrust upon sapphire hills,
And rolled between the dunes
Of Judean Deserts and Judean tunes
Singing myself through the canopy
Of Malaysian forests and tropical monsoons.

They will never grasp these joys away
They will never drench my beard in grey
I refuse, I detest the status that is quo,
That which poisons the livelihood of imaginations
To never ever flourish and grow.

I will escape indigenous tribes,
And refuse helpful hands of flying Phoenix brides
I will not revel in the cavernous depths of reality
Of wrinkles and fading faces.

My childhood delusions will asphyxiate mortality
And leave me a drunkard in bliss.