It's times like these

It's times like these that I love the most.
When everything is changing and becoming new
When everything is going so fast.
Like when you were younger and got your friend to push you as fast as they could on the merry-go-round.
Spinning around and around
Everything becoming a blur
blending together
then slowly coming into focus
leaving you dizzy and with that nauseous feeling
but that doesn't stop you from doing it again.
It's times like these
when you realize you have the most amazing people by your side.
you know they will be there for you when the shit really hits the fan
when the yelling is over, they'll be there
lifting your head off their shoulder and whipping the tears away from your eyes.
It's times like these
that you realize nothing is every going to be the same again
and your not exactly sure if thats a bad thing.