Pretty Maid Marion

Pretty Maid Marion, where have you been?
Your eyes are rimmed red, have you been crying?
Pretty Maid Marion are you in pain?
Have you been out whistling at boys again?

He told me I'm special, he set me apart,
he told me I owned a piece of his heart
and I felt like I owed him a little piece of me
and I felt afraid but I went willingly

Oh pretty maid marion what did you do?
you have to be wary, I thought that you knew.
And where was that lark singing high in the air?
He was supposed to help you when you got scared.

Well he didn't hear me, I had my mouth full
I couldn't whistle and I felt such a fool,
because when he was finished he left me there.
He told me he loved me but I don't think he cared.

Pretty Maid Marion, where have you been?
Your eyes are rimmed red, have you been crying?
Pretty Maid Marion are you in pain?
Have you been out whistling at boys again?

[Refers to the poem 'Pretty Maid Marion' by Ivy Eastwick.]