What I didnt want to find

My head ….is spinning……..round and round.
These feelings……consuming……taking a hold of me.
I thought…… I was lost …….but now, I have found,
what it is that I did not want to!

My heart skips in beat to the tune you are playing/
I do not know why but I feel as though I’m swaying,
To the possibility,
that you and me,
could be
more then just good friends!

These feelings are so mess up,
Just like my heart and soul
I do not know what to do,
I do not know how to,

Running through my head,
running though my mind,
are thoughts of you girl,
of me and u in twined.
I’m slowly losing it,
little by little bit,
and there is nothing I can do!

the truth of the matter is this,
It really does not matter what I wish,
because even if I want to be with you,
there is sadly nothing that I can do,
to force us together to be!
But I just wish you could see,
what all this is doing to me!

My head ….is spinning……..round and round.
These feelings……consuming……taking a hold of me.
I thought…… I was lost …….but now, I have found,
what it is that I did not want to!