
I live in a world of pain and heart ach. But so many damn people walk around looking happy.

I don't see how someone can be happy at a time like this, I don't understand how people think there is a god.

There so much bad shit out there. So much bad shit happens to such good people.

Yet such good shit happens to shitty people.

How can anyone believe in a man who lets so many good people die, while such bad people walk this earth?

How can you be so happy, when something bad is happaning to some one you don't know?

In my head all I see is how. Maybe its cause I'm one of the good people, with the bad shit happaning to me, and I cant seen to find a reason to smile and be happy.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm one of them people who know life is full of sadness and pain, and missery.

Maybe I'm one of them people who welcomes death and even invites it, but all I get is tourter, and pain.