Our Heart Together; Lasts Forever

I sit here very late at night thinking of you
Knowing you're OK but not all the way through

Truly knowing in my mind that I cannot help but want you here
To hold you in my arms; for the world I would not fear

The word of love states that true destined love lasts forever
That is what I shoot for when I'm with you; for us to make it through together

Move in closer and take my hand for I won't let go
We both will elevate to the future and our love will countlessly grow

The day I met you; things were so unusual for I had nothing to expect
But so quickly the format has changed and now it has become a strong bond I did not detect

But I'm grateful of the fact you decided to enter my life
Grateful that you trust me with your heart and am honored to possibly be my wife

Its crazy how things start so simple and expand to a high level of intensity
From day one to now I've repeatedly daydreamed of your beauty

I love you is a three word quote that many use
A quote that I bleed my soul into just for you

The sequence goes on as an endless road in which we'll travel eternally
But I promise the ride will be worthy the time and I'll lead you from the worries

I vow that you be the only one to take my heart as long as I you let me keep yours
Nothing or nobody will break us for I'll fight for us both and we'll enter Cupid's infinity doors

Our heart, our sex, our together is everlasting and honestly I'm proud for it all
You're someone just so special to my heart and I cannot...will not let us fall

For the negativity that dares to stand in our way; we'll burn it down to hell
I don't have any tattoos but I do have a permanent pierce in my soul that reads -
