
crying in to my hands
i stare into the open space
i stand up and walk forward
blood is all i taste
i move a trip
i colapse on the grass
praying that
the grass stabbing me was glass
mabey it would sink into my heart
what did i do
when did i do it
who did i do it to
the thing that made them hate me
the thing that made them give me dirty looks
but atleast at school
i could cry behind the books
i want to know what i did
to deserve all this in my life
to get all the shit i have
to feel comfort in only a knife
why is it me
did i do somthing wrong
my life is spelt in words
that come together as a song
what you may hear wheni finally die
is they never liked her anyway
so hold the knife to my heart
and go to peace on this day
my last day
the knife now in my heart
i dont know why you dont care so why
do you pretend to be torn apart