No More

I can't do this any longer
Your hurting me way to much
And now I think your enjoying it

It shouldn't but it does
My heart is beating for you as well
Sorry for that but hey I can't help it

Your in my dreams
Your in my head 24/7
But that's something I can't stop

You look at me
And act like I'm a bad person
Well hell I must be huh

What you see me as
I've been called once before
Just because I was doing something new

You won't be in my head anymore
You won't be in my dreams again
Because I've had enough

I'm locking you out of my life
Because you are hurting me way to much
You don't have a clue how much

I've been going insane
With the silence
You always send my way

Ignoring you must be the answer right
You say what you see me as
So that must mean I'm not a friend in your eyes

I've given up
I know you don't like me back
Why would you??

But you could at least tell me what you see me as
A stalker and a annoyance
Heard it before, it still hurts you know

This is it
The last of my words to you
I'm not going to stand here any longer and take the hurt

I'm going to see what this achieves
See what you do to what I'm going to do
I've had enough, if it goes wrong them I'll deal with it
