Ignorant Fools

'We think you have ADHD.' You announced to her.
But, her fifth grade mind couldn't comprehend.
The next day you took her to the doctor.
You reveiwed the 'attitude evaluation sheets'.
How sad it was that her teacher gave her fives while you gave her zeros.
So you reined in her free spirit and strong will with medication.
And then everything was fine or so you thought.
You couldn't see the war going on inside her though.
The next few years were tough.
She spat out the pills till the day you caught her.
Forcing them down her throat every morning.
Did you see how much it hurt?
Did you always see the tears welling up in her eyes?
Did you notice her anger rising as well as her need to isolate herself.
No of course not.
When you did finaly notice her depression you thought it was all a part of being a teenager
but, her arguing wasn't?
Of course not.
Do you know how many times she thought of suicide?
How mant times she needed to feel something through the numbness?
How many times she went to cut herself but, fell short?
No, you ignorant fools, you don't.
The day you took her off those pills was the first day you saw a true glimpse of happiness in her eyes in years.
Then you thought everything was okay.
But, yet again you were ignorant to her search for herself again.
She was dead to everyone.
When she finally found herself again you didn't like who she found.
All black and eyeliner.
Maybe if you weren't so ignorant this wouldn't have happened.
Poor ignorant fools, you killed a once sweet girl.
Can't you see you made her like this?
Now you will have to live with what you have done.