
As the moon slowly shines in the darkness of the night
nothing she may understand or see,hearing
creatures and unordinary sounds as if
someone is playing with her mind,

Every step she takes,Every heart beat she makes
Slowly not understanding what is happening around her

The lights turn on one by one

She looks around her as she hears the same noises again,
She begins to panic walking away from the scene

beginning to walk alittle faster then before,She turns back and sees
a man she never seen before,she starts to panic even more
,she pants in every step she makes

Feeling the man's eyes stay on her trail,She makes a left turn running into
a alley she never been in before,Breathing hard,crying slowly

The man walked closer and closer to her pushing her against the wall
licking her neck,pulling her pants to the ground,

Rubbing his disgusting hands on her she yelps and cries even more
Zipping his pants,throwing her onto the floor and sliding his man
hood in her

Screaming to stop,yelling for help

no one is there to save her,no one is there to comfort her