
Question. Who knew you could question yourself but still be so sure? Who knew that your desires could be stuck in a puddle of dried concrete and one word could chip off the corner and you could struggle for balance?

Dreams. Who knew that my dreams, pushing my beating heart toward the future could all be questioned and stop my heart for a millisecond and then make it hard to find the right beat for my heart to thump to once again?

Set-in-stone. My question and dreams were locked in two seperate boxes. Ever since music formed a puddle, built two boxes, crept inside my dream box and slowly started to dry the flowing cement, photography and writing tip-toed in and joined music. For, I don't know how long the cement has been dried and I was positive about my dreams for my future. As this time has passed the question box got dusty, started to age and began to fall apart. Questions started to slowly seep into my dreams until more and more came in and it started to get crowded.

Questions and dreams had no choice but to mix and now I'm sitting here tonight questioning my dreams. Not if they are what I desire, no, not at all, I know music's my passion and photography and writing just as well, but I started to wonder, do I have what it takes to unlock my dreams and pass them onto reality.

Does my locked dream box have room for some experimenting and will I be able to finds some passions to experiment with? I know one thing. Determined. That's me. I am going to take my determination and take it to a high. I'm going to build another box, name it reality, throw in my questions, dreams, determination, and passion to help me build a future I can look forward to and achieve.