He's already given up

I want to believe,
That what you say is true.
It's hard to know,
When I've already been hurt by you.
You tell me to give you the chance to prove,
That I'm the one.
To prove to me, that you care.
You said you'd make up for all the hurt I've felt before.
It was hard to hear once before,
That I was your worst mistake.
Not me, but the words you had to say.
It was tearing at me,
To know that you almost loved me,
But picked not to.
Now you're saying my name,
And I make up lies.
You're giving me all the reasons to fall,
And I can't figure out what to say.
You make me so shy, so nervous.
I want to give you that chance,
To make up for the hurt,
To prove that it's going to be okay.
But I'm scared.
And I can't seem to let go of him.
Even though he's already given up.