Incast or Outcast?

You see a girl,
Smiling, Laughing,
Lighting up the Room
Everyone loves her,
boys fawn,
She pulls shit like you
wouldn`t believe, yet
the Teachers love her.
After lunch you see her,
now alone, staring into
the bathroom mirror with
a inner anguish behind
her pretty face. She walks to
class, alone. No one approaches her.
Like an outcast, she is invisible. Or not.
Whispers follow her down the hallway
'Did you hear? She`s going out with that retarded kid!'
' I though she was a lesbian?'
'She is a complete bitch!''
' Have you ever even spoken to her?''
'Shut up! Like you know anything'
' No wonder she has no friends!'
After school you see her, hyper and
alive. She cracks jokes and everything seems
okay. But it isn`t.
No one knows why. Why is she like this?
She offers none and no one asks.
You see her in her bedroom at night, crying herself to sleep.
The next day, she is alive again
A never-ending cycle
So obvious, yet unkown to all but herself.