I Can't

"I love you"
You sigh into my ear.
Tears stream down my face
as I whisper it back....

You don't know how much you mean to me
You're everything I've wanted.

You slowly kiss my lips
then my neck
then kisses mean more...
and I know what it is.

I can't.....
you of all people should know that,
but I can't help it......
I go along.
like a puppet with a puppet master.

You control me
I know it's wrong,
but it's true.

I let you mess up my life
without even questioning.

It's so late now
I've fallen to hard and to deep
that it would be impossible for me to get back up again.

You tell me you love me
and I believe it.....

I trust you with my heart
So please keep it safe for me.....

I don't want it to break
because even if it did
you will always have it
no matter how many times,
you try and give it back.