A Nonsense Poem

My left sock is blue like the dark sky at dusk.
My right one is green the color of corn husks.

If my socks are paired nicely or neatly, I’ll rip them apart.
They should be allowed to scatter around with free hearts.

My eyes often change colors, blue or green, mostly gray,
You’ll never know what to expect from me day after day.

Today I am poetic, and cheerfully so
Tomorrow I’ll probably be spewing with woe.

I don’t care for ‘romance’ it’s too silly for me
I’d rather run through my life, so incredibly free.

Some days I sparkle and shimmer like glitter
Some days I’m dull and simply couldn’t get dimmer.

I wear bright purple shirts with dark purple pants,
What can I say? I don’t much like to match.

My legs really aren’t tan, furthest thing from,
They’re white as a sheet, but when cold they go plum.

But I don’t like to tan, I do hate it so
I’ll stick to my pale skin, hah, so pale it could glow

My fingers are always cold, people often remind
They’ll always be that way, and quite frankly, I don’t mind.

I like having cold fingers they’re nice in hot fits
“Bad circulation” they say, but who gives a shit?

I bite my fingernails and crack my knuckles,
They’re my bad habits; go ahead get your chuckles,

At my terrible rhyme, I’m really no good,
I simply can’t rhyme like a good poet should.

I don’t pay attention and I’m jittery too
No I don’t have ADHD, that’s ADD to you!

I’m medicated, I’m crazy, I’m whiny, big deal.
I can’t help but wonder who invented the wheel?

Did he have a name? Female or Male?
‘Male of course’ you’ll all say, since man we do hail.

But I’ll laugh when it isn’t, and her name is just Sue
Like the nurse I once had over at Lakeview.

Deathview most call it, but I don’t agree.
I practically lived there, it has a special meaning to me.

I’ve gotten off subject, and I’ll do it again,
Don’t try to predict it, you’ll never know when.

I’m basically shallow and vain, all in one
But I give out free chances, I’ll ignore none.

That is unless, of course, I’ve got a terrible beef
I’ll tell you what I think, yes, you’ll hear my grief

I’m one to speak my mind, I’m often quite crude
And let me warn you, you piss me off and you’re screwed.

For you it’s just best to assume I know Ka-ra-teeeyyy
Yup… provoke me, you’ll see. Wreak havoc I may.

Although, know it… I can honestly say I really don’t
But I’ll never admit it, no, I refuse to, I won’t!

I’ll kick your trash with a vicious WHOOK-KAHHH
Me? Me be vicious? What? That’s terrible! Nahhhhhhh

That’s crazy talk, I’m not vicious, not by a long shot
I have a tendency to ramble, to mention, I forgot.

And so on and on, I continue to flail,
This once was supposed to be a very fine tale.

But now it’s just nonsense, with countless desperate tries
I guess I’m just not ready to say my goodbyes.

I’m having fun rhyming through my terrible ode
Come on! Admit it! At the beginning it flowed.

It flowed like an icey cold river in spring
Hey I like that! See it has bit of a ring!

The sad thing is, over all this is absurd
Hah! Bam! Right there! I totally love that word!

But as I was saying before I trailed abroad
This poem is silly, not a soul will be awed.

So, you see, all in all, at the end of the pleasant day
All the time I spent writing this, will be wasted away.

Now here comes my pessimism I try so hard to hide
It now selfishly pushes my Optimism aside

It hogs up that certain, unhealthy limelight,
Having center stage, it does delight.

Now listen to me? My mind is missing, I swear
It never stays with me, it simply ain’t fair!

Ain’t, ain’t a word, and you ain’t supposed to say it
But the ending doesn’t rhyme, I don’t like who that way made it.

‘You say ain’t five time you ain’t goin to heaven,” oh please
It’s stupid, sounds wrong, it sure ain’t the bees knees.

Out of all of those catch phrases: It’s the cat’s pajama’s” I like the best
A cat has pajamas?! No wayy! Hahh! Who’d have guessed?

I certainly wouldn’t have, I’ll tell you that straight away.
I look back over this now, and from my topic I’ve surely strayed.

But hey, it’s amusing, actually unbelievably so
But to save my bit of dignity I must hastily go.

It’s now time for me, after a wholesome 3 ½ pages
To say good day and good night, ha ha THAT took me ages.