Because, Your always on my mind...

When I look at you, I wonder why, why does my heart feel this way.

Why whenever I see you smile, your eyes, or hear you laugh and speak does it kill me inside?

I guess it's simple, just hearing your voice and seeing your smile makes any feeling go away.

The fact is, I fell and I fell for you hard. But that was a big mistake.

I kept falling, falling till I hit the ground.

“I know, I just like you as a friend though”

That one simple line keeps running through my head over and over again like a broken record.

Day in and day out, there's this battle going on inside my head;

Weither I should move on or stay here and dream on these false pretenstions.

My heart vs. my brain.

I know you don't like me this way, but I can't help but feel this way.

Your like a addiction I can't get rid of, even though it's slowly eatting away at me.

We use to be tight, what happened to us?

The way when I was upset or depressed you would make a funny face just to see me smile.

The way you would go out of your way to start up a convosation with me.

How I would catch you looking my way every so often.

People would call that flirting, but I just call it being a friend.

But thats all in the past for reasons I will never know,

but whatever the case might be, I'm sorry for it and if I could fix it I would.

But one things true, I miss all those things...I miss you.

What I'm trying to say is simple....

I fell, and I fell hard, and there's no one here to pick me up.

I stay here sitting on the groud looking up, running all the what if's inside my head.

What if he found out? What if he liked me back? What if he didn't?

All I can do is lift myself up as hard as it is, and move forward.

Someday, down the road I'll look back, and if I'm lucky, there will be no more what if's.

There will only be fond memories, of friends.