
I hold my breath
Tears ready to fall
I open the door and
Everyone stares at me

Scene, emo, gothic
They all scream
They laugh and push
Mess with me
The tears burst through me
I can't bear the pain

Why me?
Why do I have to be different?
What makes me different?
Makes me the outcast I ask myself?

I take a deep breath
Shoes ready for run
I walk through the field
And everyone stares

Gay, Fag, Queer
They all yell
They push and harrass
Mess with me
The shoes zoom through the floor
I can't take the horror

Why do they make of me?
Because I'm different I'm made fun of?
What makes me disgusting?
Make me the disease I ask myself?

I held a breath
Hands ready to protect
I step through the halls
And everyone stare

Slut, Whore, Tramp
They all shout
They point and hit
Mess with me
The hands slam through the crowd
I can't take the embarrassment

Why do they hurt me?
Just because I do other things, that make me different?
What makes me unholy?
Make me awful I ask myself?
Why are we different?