Lost in Translation

Somewhere my words
Got lost in translation
From the point I thought them
To the choice to speak them
From the moment
My lips shaped them
And they rolled off my tongue
Somewhere they became wrong

And so, in my nervous haste
I have made a mistake
Said something I shouldn't
Something I didn't mean
Because truly,
The words in my mind
Were completely different
But you just make me
So terribly flustered
With your calm demeanor
And you brilliant smile

It seams I've offended you
Insulted you
Done something wrong
And I can't even remember what
But I wish I could take it back
Because I didn't mean it
Whatever it was
Because I was just trying to say
That I knew what you meant

Yet, somewhere my words
Were lost in translation
And I can't seem to take them back
But the smile you wear now
Tells me all is forgiven
So I take a deep breath
And dive in to try again
Because I know someday
My words will flow freely with you
Someday, with a bit of practice,
They'll stop getting lost