Hostile City Now

hostile city
tore into me into my very flesh and bones into my soul and my heart infiltrated my veins and made me me

grey pavement streets
resound patter patter up through my feet send messages of the people who walked there before i did

my passage through the underground to the places i have found to the people i have found

just have to wait
because it'll come, fate, don't get impatient because the city holds all our secrets and destinies

grey buildings tower over me are they the guardians or just the breeding ground of dangers and evils

all we are is
little insignificancies like blood in the veins of this grey heaving breathing monster that holds us together and tears us apart

know its secrets
we know its ways we know the chemical make up may change at any second throw chance and fate in our faces

this hostile city now
holds our homes and our friends and our lives in its arteries pumping life through millions of people

and the city is ours