The end?

i feel your glare burn holes into me,
and i cant help but wonder why your glaring at me?
did i do something wrong?
or am i just in the way of your plans?

i sit here and wonder whether i hurt you in some way.
i want to ask you why but you always ignore me.
i wish i knew your reasons.

because when i feel you glare at me the thoughts i get tear me down...

am i really that worthless to you?
am i just the tool you want to throw away after you used it?
am i just in the way of your bright future you want to build?

I wish for your answers to come, i wish for you to explain why.
because your tearing me down.
slowly killing whats left of me...

but i know that i will never get the answers because the time
is way to short.
i will never ask you and you will never answer.
this is how it ends.....