
Dad I really love you,
And that’s coming from the heart.
But I’ve kept this inside way to long,
you’ve torn my world apart!
Drugs have ruled your actions
And they’re runing your life…
You’re missing the satisfaction
Of a wonderful god willed life.
You’re missing the beauty life holds for you
And I wish that you would see
You’re missing the only chance you’ll have
To be a role model dad for me.
Through all the pain I've grown stronger
And also a little wise.
You’ve put me through a lot
For a girl my size.
I know inside its painful,
And it must be really hard.
To act like you’ve got it all together,
You could win an academy award.
You blame other people
For the mishaps that you’ve known
You always make excuses
Why we cant be alone.
Its only a simple drug test
Thrers really no alarm
To make sure your heads clear
So you can keep me from harm
Going to the courthouse
Is just a little ride
It shouldn’t be a problem
If you’ve nothing to hide
Your not fooling me,
Or anyone else, maybe your mom
You’d be able to see all this
If your really got honest wit Thom
The reason for the drug test
Is to show that your drug fee
And the reward you get for passing it
Is to be with me.
My friends don’t understand ,
How you can be this way,
They ask why you choose drugs over me
And this is what I say.
I tell them you have a disease
And that you’re really sick.
If It wasn’t for the illness ,
Id be the one you pick.
I tell them its really powerful,
And you can no longer feel-
The same feelings we all do-
You cant tell wait is real.
I explain it affects those close to you
And messes with your head
And those who chose not to get help
Usually end up dead.
Some people get help sooner
And start to get well
But some just don’t get it
And live a life of hell.
They loose sight of what life’s all about
Their priorities are misplaced
They numb their minds and bodies
To everyday problems we all face.
They’re accountable to no one
An soon they stop growing
They always hurt the ones they love
And money they end up blowing.
They think there entitled
To everything they desire.
And by all those around them
They want to be admired.
Those that don’t admire them,
Are usually the ones that blame
Its usually the ones that want them to get help
isn’t that a shame?!?!
They act like everything’s okay
And there’s nothing to hide.
They become afraid to ask for help
This is called false pride.
They their selves to all the wounds
Inflicted on the ones that care.
And all the secrets they hold inside
Become a heavy cross to bear.
The cross gets heavier and heavier
Until they can no longer stand
With chemicals they numb the pain
Rather than asking for a hand.
It’s a dieses and there’s no cure
Were powerless you see
But god can lift that cross for sure
And make them the people they long to be
We don’t always know gods will
And wonder off the track
We forgot how great life can be
Through others god can lead us back
This maybe a little selfish
And im think way ahead
But one day I may need your guidance
Can you help me if your dead?
I’m still quit young and the time may come
When I might choose the wrong road.
God may need to work through you
To help me carry my load.
I may need help getting back
To the pathway to heaven above
So if your already on that path
You can lead me to gods love
I an here to help you
And I wanted to say
I wont enable you anymore
By acting like its ok
I want a real dad
One that’s drug free
But I realize you cant do it,
Just for me.
I know you think you love me,
But to our hearts we must be true
Your incapable of loving anyone
Until you first love you!
You don’t have to hurt the ones you love
You don’t have to take you can give
You can be honest trustworthy and pure
And have a wonderful life to live.
You know I love you dad
Love becomes from the heart
But respect is something you must earn
Now is a good start.
I’m not going to beg
I’m not going to plea
But think how great your life could be
You could spend it with me.
I was scared you wouldn’t love me
If I said what I said
But ill take the chance and say it now
Rather than risk you being dead
Dad I really love you
And that’s coming from the heart
But I've kept this inside way too long
Now I've said my part,