Life's a Curved Line, Never Straight

The clock ticks down,
The hours I wait,
Life’s a curved line,
Never straight.

I watch the hands,
Moving slow,
Waiting now,
Ready to go.

Always waiting,
Never there,
All these people,
Start to stare.

Squirming nervous,
Eyes grow wide,
Have these feelings,
Deep inside.

My mind's lost,
Can’t decide,
Do I want this?
Should I try?

Never get,
What you want,
Bad decisions,
Always haunt.

Wake up thinking,
Of what's wrong,
I fall down,
Move along.

People kick,
Push and shove,
To get what they want,
Not do what they love.

This world is crazy,
Never understand,
What makes people,
Think it’s so grand.

Ups and downs,
Come to an end,
Miss my family,
And my friends.

Do I want this?
Should I wait?
Life’s a curved line,
Never straight.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I realize, this poem is kind of all over the place. But I wrote it that way so that people could make what they want of it.