The Midnight Hour

A flutter of wings
A winters night breeze
Snow falls elegantly on ruby roses
Beneath padded feet the grass is disturbed
The midnight hour strikes
Everything is alive

Fireflies dance
Their light bringing new glow to the world
Twirling between trees the old wolf watches
Neither welcome or turned away
Simply stuck in a limbo like state

Each creature moves to their own beat
Yet colliding in perfect harmony
The wind offers her help
Merry bubbling of the breeze entertaining with it's soft song

A branch snaps
Time seems frozen
Seconds count by
Agonizingly slowly the silence returns
Offering comfort to all the beasts of the night

The dance starts up
Less joy now expressed
Another night's dance ruined
Until tomorrow

The hour passes and everything returns to the darkness
It's snare not letting up for anyone
Blind are both man and beast
Night fallen
Beds now occupied
No man nor beast venturing out 'till the twilight hours