was i a burden?

How are you expected
To trust someone
When they shattered
Your respect.
Shattered your heart
And thoughts.
It's unfair that you'd get mad
At me
For something that you did,
You know that.

You know what
You did
Was wrong.
You just can't accept it.
Can't accept that
I'm right.
So I like to think.

Guilty thoughts
Keep running through
My head,
Bouncing up against
My skull
Non stop.
It's making it hard to breath,
Hard to think,
Hard to live.
The guilt is pounding
Against my ears,
And I can't hear
Anything else.

I can't hear your apology,
The one that you
Thrust at me,
Hoping that I'd catch it.
I couldn't,
I wouldn't.
I don't want your words,
Your pathetic promises.
You've already promised
Me the world,
Saying that
You would always be here
With me.

Was it too much to handle?
Too much to take
Care of?
Instead of giving
Me the world,
Did you carry it on
Your shoulders?
Like a burden?
Was I burden
To you?