Love Notes

hey sissy.
lots of loves.

lubs and hisses
girls in white dresses and sleeping with roaches
the lion and the lamb
black and white
and other sayings that are two words that go together

mice and elephants
luffs and stuffs
here and there
blue and white
forever and always
peanut butter and jelly
mac and cheese
milk and cookies
you and me
twins for life

spiders and flies
the sun and the moon
fathers and daughters
mothers and sons
jack and jill
valleys and hills
fire and water
colder and hotter
California and Washington
where you and I'll be
climbing up high
in a sycamore tree
eating a sandwich
ham and cheese
watching as these
these days go by
wondering as always,
why can't we fly
just as the fish ask
why can't we walk
as it talks
to his mother
who is a squirrel
he doesn't know
that he was adopted
And I really don't know where
this poem is going
so I'll go instead

sharks and minows
trace and tattoos
aelix and cellos
bows and arrows
romeo and juliet
bella and edward
north and south
east and west
converse and skinny jeans
awd produkts and fred
stop and go
tooth paste and onge juice



These are emails from me and my twin to each other, just in case you were wondering. <3