Thank you

This is a very personal one to me! not going to say who it is about but this is to them! If they ever read it which I doubt it because all my poems are like Lost messages.
Written only to make me feel better!

Thanks for forgetting,
Thanks for lying,
Thanks for all the false promises you made.

I looked up to you,
Proud to say who you were,
Smiling when you showed me off as yours.

Thanks for the memories I shall now try to forget,
Thanks for the time of my life I will now scorn,
Thanks for the gifts I will proudly burn.

You told me you would be there,
Watching me as I fly,
Clapping a praise at my achievements.

Thanks ever so much for without you I wouldn't be here.
That I will never let fall but for everything else...
It now means nothing at all.