Do Not Hate The Night

Do not hate the night
The darkness creeping in
In all its glory and delight
Its troubled saints of sin

The Lady Moon shines bright
Upon those who walk late alone
Bathing wandering souls in light
As they create their crimes to atone

And all the little dreamers
Lie restless in their beds
While all the ghostly screamers
Go mad inside their heads

But do not hate the night
And all its ghastly ways
The darkness may hinder sight
But it’s much safer than the days

For in the shadow time
The truth may run free
But in the sunlight
There is no honesty.

When the stars are gone
From the ink blue sky
Know it won’t be long
Till the true things die

So do not hate the night
My darling, little dear
In darkness all is right
It is the daytime you must fear