Detrimental Hush.

'What's wrong?'
You question me,
taking me off guard.
My head is spinning
with truths
to be told.

You take one
cautious step closer,
and place your hand
against my quivering shoulder.
Your eyes,
they sparkle with concern.

They flick up to mine,
captivating me.
You absorb every inch
of my attention,
this is very rarely done.

In this magnificent instant
of pure clarity,

You repeat your innocent question,
'What's wrong?'

This time lower,
more piercing still,
for only us to hear...
just once more,
but it resounds in my head.
and louder
as if to shock out a confession.

Your eyes,
they burn with a new intensity.

It's almost enough to make me disclose
all that has been so detrimental.

But, the moment of clarity ends,
though the hush still remains.

I'm frozen.

It's silent.

Until I abrubtly suck in
a shuddering breath and reply.

Nothing at all.'

A sigh escapes
your frowning lips,
perfectly depicting
your increasing frustration.

A tear slips
from my blinking eye,
perfectly depicting
my deterioration.

Your determination is relentless.

I sink back slowly toward instability
on the lunacy spectrum.