What's the big deal?

What's the big deal?
it's just another flu
people may of died
but that's not anything new

What's the big deal?
so maybe it starts to spread
it's getting closer to home
as theres a rise in the number dead

What's the big deal?
people start to live in fear
of something invisible
instead of the news they hear

What's the big deal?
as the death rate continues to rise
it's just something that will pass
that people can't simply disguise

What's the big deal?
crime rates start to drop
bullets can't kill this plague
it's not so easy to stop

What's the big deal?
criminals are meeting their match
a great equalizer has come
to bring justice at last

What's the big deal?
We have a world ruled by fear
it's the closest there will be to peace
as long as humanity is here