lyrics to fly through life

lyrics to fly through life

i go flying i can feel the wind on my face
o i can go insane nothin matters now
im going everywere and it doesn't matter
when all i do i fly through life

will i miss the bad lessons in life
will i see my child stuble and fall
with all these things comeing near me
how can i miss one bad lesson

o nothing is wrong flower bloom days r long
the sun shines to brightly
ur love comes beside u
u become what uve always wanted
nothing takes time getting

u stay up late doing homework
try to ace that test before u
ur child comes and crys to ur hands
saying momy i fell on my hands
u craddle him up and say its ok
the love before u is worth all the pain

u struggle with that special someone
u cry over him everyday
he breaks u in peices and u find out
that he 's not all he cracked up to be
instead theirs that one under neath ur nose
u love his scent and dream of him everyday
o yes o yes that love was nothing to cry over

so why do u think its easier to go through life
skating by
u miss all the laughs and cries
nothing more to see but the love right in front of u.......