Tupac Shakur: a Rapper for the ages


I sit in my computer chair,
On my bed Tupac is.
He tells me, "Abigail, let them feel the weight of who you are,
and let them deal with it."

"Tupac, you are right,"
I smile and say.
He smiles back, and I feel
Like it is a bright summer's day.

Fast and faster my fingers fly over the keyboard of my laptop
as easily as Tupac grips a mike.
I do my best to get these poems
out of my tormented psyche.

Of course sometimes I ask
whenever he shows off his swagger,
"Tupac, whenever you grip the mike
Doesn't it seem to become like a dagger?"

"Abigail," he says, "yes it does,
But with you I see
one of my fans who does her best
to honor my memory and my precious legacy."

In loving memory of Tupac Shakur
(June 16, 1971-September 13, 1996)