January 7, 2009

An illness is but a nuisance,
However small and however big,
Like cancer for instance,
That of which ended my uncle out of his awakening,
And no matter how much he’ll be missed,
We are no longer able to assist.

Sent to the hospital,
He could not be cured,
The young man he was,
Might just have lived older,
If not for the cause of his death,
That was oh so sudden.
Last night was when our notice first came,
Yet we ignored that phone in which rung twice,
Such an unexpected twist,
It only added what felt like a punch from a fist,
That made me feel trapped in a mist,
Its impact leaving me to deepen into oblivion.

Now left with mere memories,
His wife and three children,
Are all that’s left to remain my aunt and cousins,
But yet the fact states they’re not the only ones,
And with that I’m not alone.

Although I believed I was ready for one’s death
Still, I’m sure to remember
Now that the unexpected has occurred
For in the future I’ll keep this in mind,
And reassure myself
Next time will be when I handle tragedy best
So at this moment I’ll grieve without jest.
Here hopes hound hours,
That wishes death not happen again so soon.