Be Saved By Him

What does it take to be saved?
A reason
and your savior.
You may wonder
who will my savior be?
Or why should I be saved?
You know why
And He'll save you at your time of need.
You may cry
Because of your sins
But you still just won't understand.
Because you'll just keep sinning
And killing your savior
Over and over.
So why bother?
If you're not even going to look for Him,
What are you trying to do?
Do you think because He saved you once,
You should go back to your old ways?
You should live for Him!
Breathe for Him!
Your life should revolve around Him!
For He shall lead you through.
Through your tunnel of darkness,
And to the light.
To, not a life of happiness,
But a life of meaning.