
Your mind,
Detached from your body,
You’re thinking but not feeling,
You try to reconnect,
But somehow, the sparks won’t touch.

You sink, lower and lower,
Feeling nothing but pain and fear,
Sorrow and hate.

You try to get back into your body,
To rise to the surface again,
But this time,
You’re too far gone,
And the chord won’t reach,
The sound is gone, you’re all alone.

You sink, lower and lower,
Feeling nothing but pain and fear,
Sorrow and hate.

The despair grows bigger,
Your fear gets stronger,
You give up; weak,
You let yourself sink,
Becoming a victim,
You’re fighting no longer.

You sink, lower and lower,
Feeling nothing but pain and fear,
Sorrow and hate.

Soon it over powers you,
Pushes you over the edge,
Tears you to shreds,
Savagely pulling you apart,
You’re a monster to yourself,
You don’t realise that you’re killing you.

You sink, lower and lower,
Feeling nothing but pain and fear,
Sorrow and hate.

It’s too late,
Your eyes are closed,
You refuse to let them open,
The pain is too much for you to bear,
And you’re sinking,
You’re sinking.
It’s too late,
It’s too late,
You’re too far gone,
You’re too far gone,
You’re dying inside and out,
Inside and out,
I find you lying on the floor,
There’s nothing I can do,
You never said,
I never realised,
The pain, it’s ending now,
I understand why you’ve done this.

Now you’re gone,
Now you’re gone,
You float away,
Into the night,
I watch you go,
I watch you go.