
in one corner of the room
which I always have ignored
i found a small shadow
creeping up the floor

none of them did see it
never gave it one glance more
but they couldn't see behind the yellow
walls and the white floor

so I let it live there longer
just like the rest of them
watching as it went up and up
until it graced the ceiling

day by day I let it grow
until one day it was all dark
the shadow consumed the walls and floor
i should've stopped it from the start

then in horror i did watch
as all the walls fell in
the room collapsed
the colours dark the lights dim

they said they never saw it coming
how could they have known
but i should've stopped it
for to me her shadow did she show

and now its done
the shadow won
how she sunk so low
i'll never know

but i tell myself without the walls
without the floor
there's no more room
for the shadow to grow