The bullies

She sits alone in the corner waiting for them to arive
It has been a daily routine since day one and there is no suprise
Just because dosn't have fashionable clothes makes her an easy target
It's as easy to bully her like picking fruit from a market.
So they will walk across the playground and stand infront of the little girl
Teasing her about her hair having a little curl
They will pull her bunches
and laugh until they have stiches
Whilst the little girl thinks "Why is it always me?"

Other times she will sit in the same corner
Waiting for a friend
Whilst other girls are talking about the latest trend
But nobody comes
as they think it is kind of fun
to see the little girl in misery
and agony.
Some girls will give her mean glares
Others long stares
Whilst the little girl thinks "Why am I so alone?"

Nobody wants to be her partner in class
Nobody wants to be her friend
Nobody wants to walk home with her
Nobody in the playground knew what it would be like to be her so,
Nobody would every stop bullying her

By PinkPrincess