Human Nature

Step out to the road what do you see?
Many things are out there to be seen.
What do you do?
Human instict is there
the motives not
what do we do with our lives
what we can in the short time
the time when a single car can pass by
seasons change
everything thats not physical remains the same
where do we go
we wonder down the paths in which we built
for chances on meetings with distant friends
sometimes you get lost dont know where to go
how do you find your way?
without ever wilting away?
Why do we wonder what would happen another way?
the times have changed
we think of future
never now
we think of loss
never enjoyment
we weep and morn
instead of celebrate
all because one more person misses their car passing by
what do we need?
what cant we see?
why must things be the way they are?
or is it just me?
times will change again
when people live in the past
never will the future hold
what we can hold today
nothing is worth having unless it is given
why do we wonder about death?
when we should be enjoying life
why do we end it with a knife?
why must people kill for security?
when they will only bring less
when do people stop dying?
and start living
why must things be kept in?
when it can be talked about
why do people worry?
nothing is entirely bad
everyone experiences the same basic things
but there is always at least one who thinks its better than the rest
Human nature is life
to survive it is to live above it
value life
dont trust power
all power is corrupt
we must find a way to run
to catch that car
to find a way to get to our dreams
nothing should get in your way
it may take some time to reach it
but when you do you will see
the car stopped waiting for you.
Step out to the road what do you see?
the chance to drive away to destiny.