I'll Try

As the Days Go On
The sun and moon Rise and fall
I try To erase all my memories of You
but they won't go away

no matter how many times my heart Breaks
No matter how many times I taste
The tears of Sorrow and pain
The Feelings Never go away

You Come Back to me Begging at my Feet
Just like every other time before
and just like every time i take You back
only to be broken again

I promise myself never again
But you and I know I can't keep it
Because the Feeling never go away
It hurts to be broken But hurts more to be with out you here
by my side

No matter how many times my heart Breaks
No Matter how many times I taste
the Tears of sorrow and pain
The Feelings never go away

I wish some how this would all work out
so my heart stops breakin and I stop Sufcating
But I know it will never be so

Im gonna stop the heart break
and I Wont taste the Tears of Sorrow and Pain
and I'll try to make the feelings go away
I never wanna feel the way I do Right now
so im gonna try and make the feelings go away