Math Class

Dear Math,

I hate you. If you were a person, I would physically strangle you. I'd then proceed to throw you in a raging river of fire. I'd then to push you over a cliff into an endless pit of despair, and hope you'd hit the bottom.

Sitting in this class blah blah blah. Teacher blabbing away, and all I see on the powdery chalkboard are squiggly triangles and letters and numbers written as if they are a new language all on their own. Ab/COSx = 233.444 + BC/6(-1\2) - 2x = SINa - TAN(80) - 1 = 0.
Am I dyslexic?
Everyone else, furiously scribbling, and I, sitting there, as if on an island of my own, staring blankly at my teacher as if she's a madwoman. What is this? Frustrated, confused, bewildered, and melancholy, I smile and pretend to understand it. But of course, I don't.

Math makes me feel mentally disabled. I hate you, math. But don't take it personally.

(Actually, do take it personally)