Desert Snowstorm

Alaska's locked up in the desert
And I'm on fire in the woods
Something sucks about forever
When I don't feel too good

Since right now, life is whatever
My bones ache with fatigue
I'm so tired of the daytime
Much too tired to believe...

Alaska's melting while she's confined
And I'm too sore to climb my trees
We both just yearn for freedom
But all we can do is flee

From dead bodies kept for ransom
Under the sand that keeps her close
And though I try with all my effort
My peace of mind is still a ghost

Alaska's lonely in the desert
While she's with moonlight at its best
I'm still trying hard to save my soul
While I'm watching the sun set

One day, the night will eat me whole
And I don't think I'll even care
I don't think I'll make my eyes avert
From the sky that's always there

Alaska needs snow in the desert
And I need a lift off of these leaves
Something still sucks about forever
But maybe one day we'll believe...