No warmth for me

I always wondered but never asked,
It seems I've been caught up in the past,
Your smile, your laughter,
It's hard to know it's all over

I can't seem to understand why you left me
Is it because I'm not as pretty?
She seems perfect, and you are to
I can do nothing but be happy for you

Sure it hurts, it always will
And the pain's so great it nearly kill's
The rain is not the only reason for my wet cheeks
My heart's so brittle it nearly breaks

I've lived through the pain you've put me through
I often wonder why I'm still drawn to you
Why did you never really look at the real me?

I seem to cry a lot at night
And dreadful nightmare's give me fright
Your not there to make it alright
Or hold me close all night

I cry these tear's of broken love
Of Frightful sadness
With no hope of a love for me
For now I'll be alone..

So here I stand
In broken glass
With tear stained cheeks
and a smile on my lips

I wish you happiness
I wish you joy
I wish you warmth
While I get none,

I know depressing right? O.o hope you enjoyed it, err...Anyway ^^ Bye