You're Not Supposed to See Music

I’ve grown to learn
when you can see things,
you lose sight of what’s important.

It’s not about
how attractive each frantic man
on the platform is, or if in a crazed
fit of showmanship, the singer
climbs the stage support.

It’s about the words
that made you listen to
the music
that made you listen to
what they had to say.
It’s about them
screaming it into your ear,
speakers pumping,
bodies squished closer than

It’s about knowing
you’re not alone,
and hearing for the first time,
in real time,
the words
the chords
and the steady beat
that made you come here
in the first place.

So how are you supposed to see
music? Music is audio,
music is an experience inside
the brain.

You can’t see music,
you can only feel it.