My friend Jaime-Lee

Looking through a window,
What do i see?
What is that over there?
Another lonely girl like me.

She lies on the grass,
Looks up at the sky
Does she know what she is doing?
Does she even know why?

I see her close her eyes,
Maybe she's asleep
After all this,
Every girl needs to weep.

I open the door,
Run up the hill
But by then its too late,
She's already been killed.

I dont know why people do this
It's so wrong and mean
She had her whole life ahead of her,
I mean, this girl was only a teen.

I ran to the house, as fast as i could,
I ran to our room and opened the drawer
I looked all around, and there
Lay a note written by her.

It told of her plan
And all the reasons why
Reading through this
It made me cry.

Everyone was sad for weeks
This was so unfair,
Out of all the girls in the world,
It had to happen to her.

We lost a good friend that day
The best around,
On the very hill she died,
There is a mound.

It is engraved with her name,
And the exact date in May,
It has never blossomed up there
Even to this very day.

I guess thats how she wanted it to be,
Even in all this misery
Life moves on and so does me,
But i'll never forget, my friend,
♠ ♠ ♠
no, this did not happen
this is just something I came up with, enjoy :D