Religious Declaration

Those self-righteous pretentious bastards!
They think I’m the one that’s backwards
Well I don’t give a fuck
I’m not the one that’s dumbstruck
“Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,
Save us from this religious heist.”

The entire Western World is wrong,
And though I may be headstrong
I know the man that you call Christ
Is many men - just spliced
Like the taste of grape with that apple
No one understands what they hear at chapel

All the way back to Grecian times
Socrates committed political crimes
And on that stage, he so graciously gave
The lists and ways in which to behave
And how is he repaid?
With the sacrificial Truth crusade

Are you seeing the hypocrisy?
The disdain of those religiously free
And the jihad of Christianity
Convert all or pay the fee
It’s all comes down to you vs. me

Can’t you even see?
We’re all the same
Even in what we exclaim
Take a look at the Eastern World
The lotus flower unfurled
Buddha stands with his ears
Listening to everyone’s fears
He smiles, and speaks the First Noble Truth
“Life is Suffering, my foolish youth”
It is heaven in a new light
Just not so contrite

I see my faults and I know
I am not attending some religious expo
It’d be too risqué
And I’d eventually go astray
But I do not go door to door
Telling everyone of my folklore
I do not identify myself with a god
Knowing that it’d all just be a fraud

I mix and match, pick and choose,
Which philosophy will be my muse.
So you must see how insulting it can be,
To claim I’m a garbage, religiously
But knowing the arrogance within my heart,
I did not set these fools apart
After all, to be challenged in your beliefs
Might just make you turn your leaf

My only problem with all this
Comes when they go amiss
Everyone has their own paths to follow
And they’re converting a ghetto
They play the fool and continue on their way
Not even comprehending, I daresay
The very facts of life
And those few rules about those in strife

It’s chance this, chance that
All waiting to see the combat
I suppose it says something about us today
Looking for action within the foray
Explosion here, explosion there
And asking God, “Is that fair?”

We’re all just searching for the answer
And those that don’t agree, gave us cancer
We blame and blame
Expecting evil to go up in flame
And yet, who are we to think we know
The very definition of the cosmos

We are all equally lost
And all star-crossed
You have your path, I have mine
They will not entwine
My thoughts, your thoughts
They’re much more than meaningless dots
But understand the intentions in our hearts
And accept the fact that what we say isn’t art

Piece together our identities
Befriend people blindly
Learn compassion
But ignore the doctrine