The End

She hurts herself everynight,
Cries till the tears blur her sight
She fell to her knees,
But no one seems to see
The pain inside her
Her hearts broken for sure
Her wrist all scarred and ruined
She's forever broken
With no one there to heal her
She puts on a fake smile everyday
And tries not to stray
One foot then another
She tells herself
They point,
They laugh,
At the girl who never fits in
She holds back tears,
While fighting her fears,
She tried so hard to fit in
And she failed once again
She hates her life,
She wishes it would just end
She's tired of putting up with the tears
Tired of all her childish fears
Then one night,
It did end
She slit her wrist one last time
And smiled a real smile one last time
She took a deep breath for the last time,
And closed her eyes.
It was over,
All the pain
All the lies
She was gone
Free from this world
Free from this life...