No one will

He traded Pride for shame
Love for hate
Joy for sorrow
Friend for foe

He walk's the dark road for no given reason
Not looking back though he miss's the past
fighting an inner conflict that no one knows about
Letting people hate him and he hide's the pain

Everyone he knew and loved are gone
Though there's one left it's like he doesn't care
No one knows his true feelings,
and no one will

It's not that he like's to kill
what other choice doe's he have?
it's not like he like's being the bad guy
But there's little else left to do

He never wanted war, death or sorrow
All he wanted was peace,
and even as he draw's his last breath
He knows that may never be

He traded Pride for shame
Love for Hate
Joy for Sorrow
And it was never a mistake

He fight's alone but not for himself
But for something more,
Something special
No one knows his true self

and sadly....No one will

This is a Poem I thought up, it's suppose to be for Itachi uchiha from Naruto, if you still think Itachi is Evil then read the manga and or finish the frikken Show >.>, for all you who have seen what happens to him and his true purpose enjoy ^^, Yeah I know it's depressing but I think it fit's the bill, anyway Chow! ~Sirens