River Phoenix: A Man who was Passionate with Music


He was against eating meat,
Hollywood's golden angel for all to see.
He made a great performance
as Chris Chambers in "Stand By Me."

The phoenix soars above the clouds,
Its wings are made of fire.
And in the eyes of a phoenix named River,
we see pools of desire.

He was ethically minded,
He disliked killing mammals.
So he joined the group PETA,
as he loved animals.

He was a musician,
he played the guitar very well.
His music was enchanting,
and he put the ladies under a spell.

He knew what the ladies were like,
and he was like a dove
There was one game he played well,
and that was the game of love.

A short tumultuous life
was all he had.
And when he died,
It made us, his fans, very sad.

The Viper Room was beautiful,
as beautiful as the sun.
And when River stepped over the threshold,
They turned, seeing he was the one.

River Jude Phoenix.
He was beautiful, but the girls kept getting pricked by his thorns - like a rose.
He always knew what to say. And he was broody most of the time.

He steps over the threshold,
moving as only he can.
He looks every inch a dark guitar god
with a black guitar case in his hand.

He will never be forgotten,
and his fans believe
He is an angel now
watching over all he sees.

He will always be remembered
for the films that his fans see,
such as "The Thing Called Love
and "Stand By Me".


River Jude Phoenix
(August 23, 1970-October 31, 1993)
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Well, I hope you like this one! :)