Forever And Always

I look into your eyes and smile
oh yeah we sure do fight alot
but there's no denying our love for each other
so strong
So bold
it's incredible it's amazing and oh so unbelievable.
We been through good times and bad times
we have broken up so many times but always found a way back to each other
we can't stay away from each other.
Miles away but oh so close to each other
We are still learning about each others dislikes and likes and
oh do we ever set each other off but there is nothing that has kept us away.
Right now it's raining baby and I'd love for you to be
here kissing and touching me in the rain but then again
I Always wish you were with me no matter the weather
Peeps I'm around with
The places I'm at
I want you with me everyday to hold my hand and just be here.
I love you baby
Forever and always…

© 2009 Shelby Baker